TextAnalyzer is a free Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool to help you refine the text and keywords of your web pages. The program provide you with statistics that will allow you to chose more carefully which words need more visibility and which do not. Besides, it shows accurate information about the general dimensions of the text.
To feed this tool with the text you need to analyze, you can either load directly any TXT file, or copy and paste any amount of text from a wide variety of text documents, web sites, etc. Of course, you can always type the text directly into the interface window! The text can then be edited easily, allowing you to correct and to delete it, as well as to append other portions of text from different sources to perform a global analysis. The analysis itself is extremely fast (5000 words in 15 milliseconds!) and the level of accuracy of the results has been largely improved in this 1.1 version.
Together with some general statistics (regarding number of words, lines, etc.) you are presented with two useful charts more specifically oriented to a better SEO performance, thus enhancing the prominence of your site in most search results lists. The first table shows the number of occurrences of each word and of each pair of words, allowing you to know which keywords are well represented in the text, which need more visibility, and which need to be revised to avoid keyword stuffing. As a complement to this chart, you can also browse through the complete list of unique words included in the text. Both usage charts are indexed by frequency of use, showing in the top of the list those words or pairs of words with the highest number of occurrences – regrettably there is no possibility of showing the results in alphabetical order, making it very hard to find the data associated to a specific word.